March 29, 2012

Remixing The Sun Also Rises

Caution: Even though songs relate to themes, some have suggestive language.

The Sun Also Rises Mindmap

March 22, 2012

Socratic Seminar Recap

Notes from the seminar;
- beginning of discovery
- create extraordinary things, you're not alone
- ask questions and learn through discussions
- Taught from childhood to stay in the world
- life's too shirt to waste
- even things you love, sometimes becomes work
- there is always commitment with things you love
- Tyler Stewart: next genius
- Thinking out loud
- be able to question, no matter the answer
- give it a shot, even if you fail
- be optimistic about everything in life

These concepts will help me figure out how to keep me motivated past all the grades in school. With these in my brain, I hope to keep moving forward. And find new incentives to keep doing better.
      Also with these concepts, I feel like I have new motivation to try my best during the AP test. Knowing that in actually haveing focus for something, will in turn prepare me for the future. Where mentors like Dr. Preston won't exist anymore. And that I'll only have me.
     Lastly,with these concepts, I'll will help my fellow friends get inspired and branch out.

March 6, 2012

Shakespeare, shaken and stirred

One remix I found with Shakespeare rapping.

This a sonnet about on how to write one in iambic pentameter.
My way of helping somebody learn and having fun. :)

These sonnet poems are old and full of dust
But yet I want to learn to write one well.
To learn new forms for life is quite a must,
I need to learn, so Preston will not yell.

And so I sit, tonight, with mouse in hand,
Creating three new quatrains with a rhyme.
The rhythm flows like life at my command.
The A-B-A-B form consumes my time.

But I’m not done until there’s fourteen lines.
One ending couplet, after three quatrains.
Trying so hard to make one that's all mine,
Takes forever; I have to use my brain.

But I go on, my fourteen lines now done.
Finished, now other's learning has begun..

Literary Analysis

One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

Cuckoo's Nest -