April 15, 2012

Feats of Wisdom #10

My favorite movie scene is from Dude Where's My Car:

 And here is the script I remixed that is kinda like the clip, but in Iambic pentameter:

 Hello ma'm, I would like some food to go,
 Okay, what will you be having today,
 We will gladly have some shrimp fried rice, yo,
And what else will you be having today?

 Some soup with our meal will be good too,
And what else will you be having today?
And some of that animal that goes moo,
And what else will you be having today?

 I think that will be all today lady,
And what else will you be having today?
Uh that's it, ain't trying to be shady,
 And what else will you be having today?

 THAT'S IT! Give me the price I have to pay!
And what else will you be having today?

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